by Crissy Aguilera, Lambda Theta Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., in collaboration with Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. as sisters and brothers across the country joined forces to assist those affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti.

Relief efforts range from student networking events to selling pins and candle light vigils to school supply drives. Here on Cornell’s campus, Lambda Theta Alpha and Lambda Theta Phi organized a clothing drive throughout the month of February. Boxes, bins, and bags full of clothing were collected at the end of each week from sorority and fraternity houses and the community centers of Robert Purcell Community Center and Appel Commons.

Thanks to the many donations of students all over campus, Lambda Theta Alpha and Lambda Theta Phi were able to collect clothing for more than 150 people.

Clothing not shipped to Haiti was also put to good use and sent to the Catholic Charities of Tompkins County as well as the Salvation Army of Tompkins County.